Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Movie Review: I'm Not Ashamed

The Columbine tragedy. Masey McLain

The lead up to the Columbine tragedy was laced with unbridled hate, but more importantly, one student, Rachel Joy Scott, wound an unbreakable thread of Christian goodness around friends who didn't seem to need or deserve her compassion. The media extravaganza was all about two lost youths who took out insane raging hatred against other students in 1999, but Rachel's I'm Not Ashamed story is the one unseen and unreported until now. Influential persons in Rachel Scott's life provided context, but God's inspiration sent her wings, which she used to transform dozens of lives despite adolescent evil lurking nearby.

If you have a place in your heart for kindness, patience, and accepting others without bias, you'll say thank you for this recommendation. Watch this film and persist even when you think you can't stand the ugly parts. You've very likely been a high school student just like the ones portrayed at Columbine High School. I was affected extremely and deeply by the Rachel Scott story. I think you will be, too.  

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