Thursday, May 10, 2018

Movie Review...The Commuter

I didn't fully appreciate this film until a week after I watched it with Doc. My first impression was that the director stopped each scene short of fulfillment. Scenes were set up without much preliminary explanation and they ended with an “almost” moment. Now, I think the whole idea was to make me hungry to know the secret at the finale. Now, I see.
There are characters who did their jobs very well. The story line seems pretty unbelievable until the 60 minute mark, when clarity starts to creep in. Actually, the story has probably worn itself out in dozens of previous extortion/bad guy/good guy tales, and The Commuter is another episode that earned a “plus” on the Reel Jockey's yardstick.
Here's what I liked: Liam Neeson. Steady and believable. An ending you'll love. Action packing that went to the limit. Here's what fell short: Graphic train crash. Unbelievable.

If you've been impressed with characters Liam Neeson has offered up in films, you'll appreciate this one, too.

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