always wondered why my dad ate toast with warm milk on top. He ate it
with a fork or a spoon for breakfast...or lunch sometimes. Once in a
while he ate bread and milk with a little sugar for dinner. I had
some, too. There was a reason for eating toast or bread with milk and
sometimes with sugar...no money for food.
Post reminded me of the tasteless concoction we used to eat when
there was nothing else. This film is a very vanilla story skimmed off
the top of a dish where the bread is stale and the milk is sour.
There's no sugar. This film is a very little soap opra-ish story, but
the soap has no phosphate, no detergent, and no cleansing power. It’s
the old Pentagon Papers account, weakly offered. It's an attempt to
poke out the other eye of Richard Nixon, a failed (and dead)
president who was already blind to the place where ethical principles
were kept.
goodness for Streep, Hanks, and Odenkirk, whose performance statures
rose above the light soap scum. So, if you like good movies, you'll
declare this one to be a dud with no dynamite and no fuse. This Spielberg "gotcha" blows itself up with little more than a "pfft."
The ad says this is a top film. Your review does not. So?
It's a Nothing Burger with hype on the side. The story (documentary) was probably interesting enough when all the Vietnam War arguments were coming out, but this film is 48 years too late. Imitation onion.
The Post is one reason I stick to print media.
I really like Tom Hanks. He's everywhere. Why not review Castaway?
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